December 9, 2023

Saturday - Cloudy but warm, rainy later on

I got up a bit late this morning, but we didn’t have any early plans. Still, I got up by 11 and F was in bed for a while after me. He went downstairs a bit later and didn’t come back until after 1pm. This was a bit of a problem as he had an appointment at 2pm. He asked me where he should drop me off before his appointment. I pointed out that we should go for lunch right away and he told me that he already ate with his mother. Huh? Where was my invitation? I wasn’t asked at all. Right then. I had to think of somewhere that I’d like to go, so I suggested he drop me off at Gusto in the MaxValu area. He did.

I had lunch at Gusto and it was okay. They’ve changed their menu again, so I had a small fries and a burger with beef stew and I added on drink-bar and a bun. When I finished eating, I paid and walked over to DCM (used to be Homac). I did a little bit of shopping there. They had a used DVD rack and of course, I found a few films that I wanted there. F phoned to see where I was and I told him.

He bought the stuff I bought in the store and then we left and went over to the nearby Daiso. I was looking for Christmas platters and such. I am NOT doing dishes on Christmas day if I can help it. I got a few and some decorative things as well for Christmas. Yay me. 

F and I went and had a coffee at Komeda. We sat and relaxed and used the wifi for a while. 

We visited J. Marui to grab a bento for K’s dinner, then we came back to the house. F gave his mother her food and I went upstairs. After a bit, F came upstairs too. 

We left the house a bit after 7 pm and went over to the mall at Mikawa. We bought our movie tickets and then went to get our dinner. I bought the bibinba for us and apparently, I ordered the wrong one for F. I thought he wanted the same one I did, the Pork kimchi one. I would swear on a stack of books that he said the pork kimchi one. He said he said just a regular one. However, in my defence, he changes his mind every five minutes, so I don’t think he remembered correctly. When we got the bibinba, he did like it and said it was fine, so no harm done really.

We went over to the cinema and as soon as they opened the cinema I sent F in to sit down. I got in line for the popcorn and drinks, and then brought them to the cinema. I did a washroom run and then settled in to watch Wonka. I enjoyed it quite a bit, certainly more than the Johnny Depp version a few years ago. 

After the movie, F and I drove back to Tsuruoka. We did make a quick stop in a conbini to pay a bill and pick up a few snacks. 

We came back to the house and relaxed. After an hour upstairs I went down and filled up our kerosene heater’s tank. I came back and went back to work on my computer. And now, I’m about done.

I did open the 9th window in my Advent Calendar today. I got a Jasmine Earl Grey Tea blend. It was okay, but the Jasmine didn’t really seem present to me. It was fine, but I wouldn’t seek it out!

No ultimate relaxation was found :-(

I’ve no idea what I’ll get up to tomorrow, except I’ll be doing my usual shopping for the next couple of days. Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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