December 11, 2023

Monday - Cooler and cloudy

I woke up this morning when F was leaving. I had to get up and go downstairs, then I came back to the room and went back to bed. I got up a bit later than I meant to, but it was okay. I did a couple of loads of laundry today so that was good. I washed my bedcover, I’ve been meaning to do it forever. I have another bedcover on my bed right now of course.

I had a quiet day after I did laundry. I had breakfast while my clothes were washing and in the afternoon I ate lunch a little late. I barely ever saw K. Oh well. 

F called around 5:30 and I went downstairs a bit later to start dinner. Tonight I made toaster oven chicken, air-fried tofu (so yum), and we had some potato salad and salad too. F and K got to have some rice with their meals too. We even had dessert courtesy of Costco. It was annen-dofu. We just finished them up.

I had done some of the dishes early and I didn’t use a lot of pans so I finished clean-up early. I did up the plastic garbage and then told F I was going upstairs. I relaxed for a while upstairs.

I watched a few videos on YouTube and I’m afraid I fell asleep on one! When F came in the room a few minutes later I was really surprised that I had been snoozing!

I took a shower and then came back upstairs. I decided to watch another episode of Still Up. Tonight was a really good one. She got into trouble after a Hen party and he actually left his apartment to try to help her. 

I turned off the TV when it was over and a few minutes later I noticed F was trying to fix the doors in the room, the ones I’ve been asking him to fix for 6 months. He did get them put back in the tracks, but then noticed that they were in the wrong tracks! Oh dear. It was 12:30 at the time, so I asked him not to redo it right away. Tomorrow will be fine.

That’s about it for me for today. Tomorrow night I’m going to make curry for dinner. I haven’t made it in ages and it’s getting to be the season. I also might do another load of laundry if I can.

Oh, and today’s Advent Tea Calendar was very nice. It was a Ceylon Orange Pekoe. I drank it in the morning and enjoyed it. 

A "normal" tea. It was smooth and refreshing!

Come back later if you like and hear all about my Tuesday. Until tomorrow…

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