December 12, 2023

Tuesday - Cloudy and a bit rainy, cooler at night

I went to bed mostly when I planned to last night but sadly woke up quite early. I went downstairs and then came back and went to bed again. 

I got up a bit later after F had left for work and got dressed. I had a quiet morning, I didn’t do laundry, and I watched a bit of YouTube. I did check out the news for a few minutes but turned it off soon afterwards. 

I grabbed breakfast, ate and a little later ended up getting really sleepy. I took a bit of a nap and got up about an hour later. 

I had a bit of a late lunch and that was nice. I cleaned out the fridge a bit! I relaxed in the afternoon and then after F called me I went downstairs to get a start on dinner.

Tonight I was making curry! I haven’t made it in ages because it takes a while and a lot of effort. It is really good, but it takes a lot of chopping, peeling and simmering. 

I discovered that I didn’t have enough onions, my potatoes didn’t come out to the right weight and I put in some mushrooms which I like but aren’t in the instructions.  I added an extra potato, some dried chopped onions from Costco and the mushrooms, and it all turned out fine. I didn’t get dinner on the table on time, it was around 7:30 when we ate, but the curry and rice did get good reviews! Hurray for that. 

I did the dishes afterwards and it didn’t take too long. I’d done a few as I worked and there just weren’t that many dishes anyway. 

F and I went to MaxValu for groceries tonight and he suggested that I eat my curry with some sauce that he likes. I told him that he could eat it with whatever he liked, but I liked my curry the way it was. It’s my preference. He started getting quite snarky about it and then professed that we wouldn’t be having curry anymore! Excuse me? He’s very strange at times. If I don’t want to eat food a certain way, why should I? I don’t mind if he eats it with sauce, but why would it bother him if I don’t?

I did the shopping and picked up a few things in the store. I checked out and then came back to the car. We drove back to the house and I put away the groceries. 

I went upstairs and changed into my pyjamas, F went out to a drugstore! He paid a bill at the convenience store as well. Good for him!

I watched FBI: International and then turned off the TV. I had a good evening. It was quiet but good.

Oh, today’s Tea Advent Calendar? It was Rooibos Strawberry and Vanilla so I drank it tonight. It was lovely. I really enjoyed it and will buy it if I see it sometime.  Good stuff!

Day 12!

Very nice!

Not sure what I’ll get up to tomorrow. Come on back a bit later and find out! Until tomorrow….

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