December 13, 2023

Wednesday - Cloudy and rainy at times

I got up early again…I’m not sure why I am waking up before 7 am, but I am. Maybe the neighbours made noise? I dunno.  I went downstairs and then came back upstairs and went back to bed. F got up around then and got ready for work. I felt quite bad that I woke him up again.

I woke up again a couple of hours later and got up. I got dressed and had a quiet morning. I went downstairs and grabbed my breakfast. I was surprised to see that K was up and had lights on in the living room. That’s pretty unusual.

I ate upstairs and watched some YouTube and checked my favourite internet sites. I didn’t do laundry today as K did some instead. That was fine of course.

I had a fairly quiet afternoon. I watched some news and I thought about taking a nap, but never did. I was a bit tired and draggy though.

F called around 5:15 and said that he was on his way back. I went downstairs and started heating up the rest of the curry. F arrived and then told me he didn’t want to eat tonight and was going to bed. Oh well. All the more food for me. I got dinner for K and I out on the table. We both had curry and rice with some salad and pickles. It was quite nice. 

I did the cleanup afterwards and listened to my podcasts too. I divided the leftover curry up into two bowls so that K and I could both have some for lunch tomorrow. I hope she eats it! I know I will, but probably not with rice. 

I took a late shower tonight. I had to fill up the kerosene tank tonight so I did that first then showered afterwards. F has been in bed for most of the evening but did get up to eat noodles (Quelle surprise!)

I’m not really sure what I’ll get up to tomorrow. I’m going to cook dinner, but I haven’t decided quite what I’m going to make yet. It might be pasta or it might be a veggie bake. I suppose it could be both, but it won’t be!

Oh, and of course, the Tea Advent Calendar update. Today’s tea was Peppermint. Since it was a herbal infusion without caffeine, I saved it for tonight. It was very nice, but in all honesty, I like mint tea. It didn’t seem terribly special, but I did enjoy drinking it. 

Day 13

Nice and refreshing.

Anyway, that’s it for me for today. Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow…. 

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