December 3, 2023

Sunday - Rainy and snowy in the mountains

I went to bed a bit late last night, later than I meant to anyway. It was hard to get up this morning, but I managed. We left the house a few minutes after 10 am and I was happy because we’d be able to make breakfast at the restaurant. However, F decided halfway to the restaurant to go to the other one that was across the city. Happily, we did make it, but I wasn’t too happy with someone!

Breakfast was fine...nothing special, but not many restaurants do breakfasts in Tsuruoka. After that, we got ourselves on the road and made good time to Yamagata. We stopped for a break at Sagae and then headed into the city. Our first stop was at Lupicia so I could get some Christmas tea and some other teas. I didn’t buy enough to renew my membership though. Yay. 

We next went to the big mall in Yamagata and F got himself a few things, we bought a present for my nephew in Canada and I got a few things at the foreign import store. I managed to find mincemeat tarts. Woot! No Christmas pudding sad to say, but sometime we’ll be able to have the mincemeat tarts.

Next up, we went and had lunch! It was 3 pm and I suggested we eat something because shopping when hungry is a bad idea. We went for yakiniku. It was a tad expensive but quite nice. 

After our lunch, we drove off to Costco. F used his car’s GPS and it took a very strange route that worked very well. It was the scenic route!

At Costco, we found some parking and then went into the store. F followed me around for a bit and then he went off to take a seat and I did the rest of the shopping. I was relieved to see him go if I’m honest. I know basically what I wanted to get and where things are, but if I’m with F it takes much longer. He also seems to be overwhelmed by Costco. 

I bought a lot of my usual stuff and a few extras. I decided to buy more guacamole today and no avocados. Sadly, I don’t have good timing when it comes to the avocados. I was hoping to find Brussels sprouts but they didn’t have any. I did get radishes though. 

When I was close to finishing I texted F to say I was going to check out and then I did. When I was done, I was expecting F to join me, but he took a while to get the memo. We took the goods out to the car and then came back in. We had a light snack each and some drinks. I used the washroom and then it was time to leave. 

We drove back towards Tsuruoka. We did stop at Yamaya in Yamagata and I picked up a few things there, then we were back on the road. We got back to Tsuruoka around 10 pm. We visited a drugstore for F first and then I went into MaxValu to get some food for the next couple of days. It took a while, but I got a few things.

We had a light dinner at the new gyudon shop before returning to the house. It was okay, it wasn’t great, but it was fast and reasonable. 

Back at the house, we unloaded the car and I put the groceries away. It took me a while though. I had bought bagels so I put them in bags and put them in the freezer. I will enjoy them in the future. 

I came upstairs with my stuff and turned on the heater. It was quite cold in our room. F came up after a while and got ready for bed.  And that is where we are now. 

It was a long day and we walked a long way over the day. I’m quite tired and I’d really like to get to bed.

Oh, and I opened the Advent Calendar this morning, but I haven’t drunk the tea yet. It’s an old favourite, so I’ll try and enjoy it tomorrow.

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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