December 28, 2023

Thursday - Clear and sunny, cool

I woke up early this morning and had to make a trip downstairs. I came back to bed and got some husband snuggles before he got up and went to work. I slept on but did get up a bit later. 

Today I did a couple of loads of laundry. With F around for the next few days, I might get little chance to do any. It’s hanging up in our room trying to make the heating do double duty!

I had a fairly quiet day and didn’t see K at all during the morning or afternoon. I watched an episode of The Closer again as I ate my lunch. Around 4:20 F called me and said he was on his way back. I was really surprised since he doesn’t finish work until 5:15.  It turns out that many of his coworkers had already finished for the day so he thought it was already 5:15. I was sorry that I had to break the news to him. He called me back an hour later to say he was on the way back. 

Tonight, I went downstairs and got dinner underway right away. We were planning to go out and see the lights. I heated up the water for pasta, cut the duck breast, made a mushroom dish and did my best to get everything done and cleaned up quickly. 

F was very tired after work and came upstairs soon after he came home. I got dinner on the table quite soon afterwards. It was before 7pm when I got K up and called him down.

We ate. Tonight I cooked pasta and put a cheese cream sauce on it. I liked it, I’m not sure if the others did. I was done quite early, and F and K took longer. 

I did the dishes and tidied everything in the kitchen before 8pm. I went upstairs and changed and a few minutes F came upstairs too. And then he begged off. He was really tired. I was upset because I worked really hard to finish early. If he had begged off before I cooked I wouldn’t have minded so much, but whatever. He was tired and I get that. He had to work today, I didn’t.

I watched some YouTube including a Miranda Reunion. It was lovely and so funny. I was laughing out loud quite a lot. When that was over, I got F and I a snack and I watched an episode of Deadloch. I liked this episode more as we got to learn a little more about the characters. 

I put on some music after the show and that was nice to hear some Christmas music. I had no idea that Billy Idol had done a Christmas song! My mind is blown. 

I’ve switched to YouTube now and am blogging. It’s going to be an interesting week as F is off work for the next few days. We have no plans at all which quite worries me.

Anyway, that’s about it for me. I’m off to bed soon. Come back later if you like and hear all about my Friday. Until tomorrow….

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