December 4, 2023

Monday - Rainy and cool

I woke up before my alarm this morning. F had already left for work, and I hadn’t heard him. I got up, went downstairs and then came back up and got dressed. I went back to bed for a couple of hours though!

When I got up, I went downstairs to grab my breakfast. I checked the mail and discovered that I’d had a package arrive. Woot! The postal worker had put it in a plastic bag and hung it outside the slot, with a lot of plastic inside! It didn’t get wet, so I have to commend the postal worker for their ingenuity.

I ate breakfast and then opened my box. Inside were the ornaments that one of the ladies in my group sent to me. They are gorgeous. She sewed hers. The nice thing is that I had just met her and talked a little with her at the convention a couple of weeks ago. 

I had a quiet day today. I was supposed to set up my Christmas tree today or do laundry, but I was really tired from yesterday, so I didn’t do anything like that.

F called me around 5:30 to say he was on his way back to the house. I went downstairs to get a start on dinner too. I was planning to do a veggie bake today in my air fryer with some of the sausages I bought at Costco yesterday, so that’s what I did. Unfortunately, K had cooked all of the sweet potatoes yesterday and didn’t leave any for me. To her, sweet potatoes are a treasured snack, to me, sweet potatoes are an ingredient in other meals. Sigh. She steamed them all, and won’t eat anything else except them during the day. 

I peeled some regular potatoes, half a carrot and added in some other veggies we had around the house. I roasted them while I prepared some other dishes. Tonight we had the veggie/sausage bake, beets, and salad, and then for dessert, we all had some annin-dofu from Costco. 

I had done quite a few of the dishes before dinner, so it didn’t take too long to do the actual dishes afterwards. I went upstairs before F did and was there for quite a while. 

A little after 10 I decided to go downstairs and take a shower. F wasn’t going to take one, so no worries. 

After my shower, I came back upstairs and decided to watch a little Apple TV+. I watched another episode of Still Up. That show is growing on me. 

And that’s about it. I turned off the TV, and F went to sleep. 

I’m hoping that I’ll put up the tree tomorrow and maybe also do some laundry. If I don’t do one of those, I’m okay with that!

Oh, and my Advent Calender Tea today was one of my favourites, English Breakfast Tea. It was great. 

Love this one!

So, that’s it for me for today. It was an okay but quiet day. Come back later if you want and hear all about my Tuesday. Until tomorrow….

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