December 8, 2023

Friday - Sunny and warmish

Today was a pretty good day. I woke up early again. I’m not sure why, I woke up at the same time as I did yesterday. Weird. I went downstairs and then came back to bed and went back to sleep. F left for work and I got up again around 9am. I heard noises downstairs so went down to see what was going on. K was up and around and her daughter was over too. I guess that today was another meeting with the counsellor about how K is doing. 

I dressed, went down, saw K and said hi and then went back upstairs. I relaxed for a bit and then got really sleepy so I took a nap. I got up a bit later and went downstairs. I grabbed my breakfast and brought it back up. I ate and also got my nephew’s package ready to go. 

I took a bit longer than I meant to, so I couldn’t go around 1pm on that bus, but I caught the bus at 2:25. I was going to tell K where I was going, but I didn’t see her again. 

I got off the bus near the main post office and went in. I got my package mailed quickly and also the Christmas cards. Woot! Yay for me. The woman in the post office was efficient and didn’t freak out at my foreignness, so that was good too. I deposited another 50 yen into my savings account. I had to wait quite a while in that section of the post office as they were busy.

I checked the bus schedule at the nearest bus stop, but there was nothing for a while. I decided to walk to S-Mall. I got to the next bus stop and it was nearly time for the bus so I decided to wait for the bus. I had a nice trip to the mall!

At the mall, I looked at the hundred yen shop and then went downstairs and grabbed a very late lunch. I went to the Pizza Hut and tried their Pizza Melts. I liked it a lot. After I finished, I walked around a little. Around 5 I went to Doutor and had a drink and waited for F. He showed up a bit before 6 pm. I bought him a drink and we sat there for a while. 

Finally, we came back to the apartment and F got busy. He was making dinner tonight. Woot. I went upstairs to change. I did offer to help before I went upstairs, by the way. F called me down after 7 and I came downstairs again. I went into the living room, but as usual, he hadn’t put everything out yet! I helped him by putting out the glasses and the tea. I also found some chopsticks for us!

F’s nabe was really good tonight. He’d used a bought soup and it was nice. I really liked that. We used the new stove thing that we bought at Costco last weekend and it seemed to work really well. Yay. 

After we all finished, I did offer to help F with the dishes. He turned me down, but did “let” me carry the dishes through to the kitchen for him. I did that. I also bullied him into putting the leftovers into the fridge. I pointed out that the room was quite warm and it wouldn’t be a good idea to leave leftover nabe out. He agreed.

I went upstairs and relaxed for a while. I watched some YouTube videos and then around 10:30 F hadn’t come up yet, so I went downstairs to take a shower. After that, I came back upstairs. F had come upstairs by then. He was nearly asleep though.

I had a quiet evening by myself. I have spent most of the time with YouTube. Oh well. 

Tomorrow I’m not sure what we’ll get up to. There’s a new movie nearby (Wonka) and F has booked himself an afternoon massage. Hopefully everything will work out.

Oh, and today’s Tea Advent Calendar was Rosehip and Hibiscus Tea. I saved it for this evening as it was caffeine less. It was quite nice, but I’m not a huge rosehip fan. I do like hibiscus tea though. 

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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