September 12, 2024

Thursday - Hot and humid

This morning, I woke up when F came back into the room around 9:20. Unfortunately for me, I had decided to sleep until 9:30 so I was a bit surprised. I was quite tired from yesterday so decided I needed more time in bed! F didn’t stay too long, but it was nice to see him, sort of. 

I got up when he left and went downstairs. I didn’t really go back to sleep afterwards. I wanted to, but I didn’t. I went downstairs, grabbed a bottle of sports drink, brought it back upstairs and drank it. I was feeling a bit dehydrated too. I got dressed and watched a bit of news on TV. I had a quiet morning and early afternoon.

In the later part of the afternoon, I went downstairs and grabbed lunch. I returned to the room and watched Tuesday’s episode of Resident Alien. I think it was the last of the season. It was a humdinger too. When the episode was nearly over, F came back again. This time he brought ice cream! It was gratefully received. It was such a hot day it hit the spot.

F left a bit after the news started. He had to do a pick up so I hope he made it!

F called around 5:25 to say he was on the way back from work. I changed and went downstairs to the kitchen. Tonight I made chicken drumsticks, F had made rice for us, so we had that with mini-tomatoes for him and K, potato salad and salad. I added a few veggies from the freezer. Dinner was good, but there were a few leftovers. I made a plate for K and a plate for me. Yay. 

I did the dishes which seemed to take a long time, but really didn’t. I didn’t have any pans tonight, just my air fryer drawer. 

I went upstairs around 9 pm and then watched the rest of a documentary that was on last night and I recorded it. It was interesting. It was a look at the history of nudity in the movies. 

At 11 pm I watched The Rookie: Feds. One of the characters was kidnapped by a serial killer, so it was quite exciting in parts. After the show was over I turned off the telly and put on some YouTube.

Basically, I’m up to date now. It was such a quiet day. Tomorrow is Friday so I should do at least a couple of loads of laundry. I hope I do!

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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