September 13, 2024

Friday - Hot, humid but a little cooler

I woke up this morning before my alarm went off. I made a trip downstairs and then came upstairs and watched videos for a few minutes before going back to sleep.

I got up again later and dressed. I went downstairs and grabbed breakfast and came upstairs to eat. A little later I started doing laundry and I did two loads today. How exciting!

I had a quiet afternoon and made my lunch around 3pm. I came upstairs to eat and lunch was nice. I watched another episode of Major Crimes and then the news again. 

F called at 5:30 or so and I reminded him that he wanted to get his hair cut so he decided not to come back right away. I went down to the kitchen a few minutes later. I got started on dinner.

F didn’t get back to the house until 7:30 or so, so I waited to cook the pasta until then. We had pasta with an Aomori garlic sauce, bacon, and salad tonight. I thought dinner was good, I don’t know if F liked it though. He said it was salty, but I think he is dehydrated! I liked it. 

After dinner, I did the dishes and came back upstairs. I barely said goodnight to the others. I was tired and the kitchen was hot even though we opened the door into the air-conditioned living room. 

I spent a bit of time on the bed watching videos on my phone. F came up for a bit and we snuggled a little. I suggested that we go for a nice lunch tomorrow since tomorrow is one of our anniversaries. I’m not sure if he will be into it, but I hope so. He wants to take his mother out one day to a nice place as the day to celebrate old people is coming up on Monday. I’m not sure if it is a good idea, but I suggest we make a reservation for that day. 

I watched the final episode of The Three Pines Mystery. What a place to leave the story. I’m very sad that they didn’t make any more. Maybe one day they’ll come back and do another series? Probably not, but I can dream!

Anyway, that’s about it for me. Tomorrow I’m not sure what we’ll get up to. There are no new movies in town (at least not in English) so that’s out. Darn it. We’re going to hold out on our trip to Costco until the end of the month. I think it is a good idea, but I am out of my nice cheese. 

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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