September 19, 2024

Thursday - Cloudy, cooler but humid. Rainy at night.

I slept-in a bit this morning. I woke up when my alarm went off and went downstairs. I came back upstairs and watched some videos on my phone for a bit and then I tried to get more sleep, but there really wasn’t time!

I got up, dressed, and went downstairs to get my breakfast. K had already eaten her breakfast and her lunch. Oh dear. There wasn’t anything else for her to have. I think she has some fruit in the living room, so she probably ate that. 

I took my breakfast upstairs and ate. I watched a bit of YouTube and the news on TV. I had a quiet afternoon. I thought about doing laundry, but didn’t. Oh dear.

I grabbed my lunch around 2:30 and came upstairs to eat. I watched an episode of Major Crimes too. I just started the second season. I watched the 4pm news and then F called me a bit late tonight, sometime after 5:30.

I went downstairs and got started on dinner. Tonight I made a pork stir-fry and also a cucumber pickle. We had a salad too, and finished up the potato salad. Most of the food got eaten, although there was a little stir-fry left over.  

I did the dishes afterwards. Tonight I did the cooking without using the air conditioner which was a big mistake. I had to turn it on while I was eating as I was just streaming sweat. When I finished the dishes, I went upstairs and changed all of my clothing. I had to, it was very yucky!

F and I went to the grocery store Mina. He came in tonight and as usual drove me crazy. He had the buggy and was always off doing sidetrips! It was rather funny and quite annoying. I’m going to do pasta for dinner and I hope that everyone likes that! I do!

After the grocery store, I asked F if we could go to the drugstore near MaxValu. I wanted to pick up some stuff for the house like dishwashing liquid, F wanted some window-washing liquid for his car and a couple of other things as well. 

We came back to the house and F helped me put the groceries away. I went upstairs after that and changed into my pyjamas. At 11 I watched The Rookie: Feds and it was the last episode of the show. In the beginning, I didn’t think I’d like the show at all, but surprisingly it really grew on me. It was a victim of the dread lurgy I think. 

And that was my day. F has finally gone to bed. He was sitting up tonight until after 1am. I was a bit worried about him. He’s having health problems again which I think are due to being dehydrated. He disagrees though. 

We’re coming up to a long weekend and we don’t have too many plans. There are a couple of English movies playing at the local cinema in Tsuruoka, so I’m hoping to see at least one of them with the mister. If he won’t go with me, I hope he’ll drop me off and pick me up after though. That would be nice!

Anyway, come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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