September 20, 2024

 Friday - Rain, thunder, lightning, rain and even more rain

What a strange day it was!  It started early. I was awakened at 6:30. I’m not sure whether it was F or the huge thunderstorm that we had at that time!  He announced that he wasn’t going to go to work today as he didn’t feel well. And then the thunder really got going. It felt like it was just overhead. Yikes. 

I went downstairs, came back to bed and F went downstairs. 5 minutes later his alarm went off so I shut it off and then fell back asleep. 

I woke up later when my alarm went off and I went downstairs again. I came back to the room and got dressed. A little later, F came up to the room and went back to bed. I went downstairs and got my breakfast and then came back upstairs and ate. At 12:30 I turned on the TV and nothing happened. The TV worked fine, but I watch TV through the DVR and the DVR didn’t turn on at all. Oh no. I set the TV to show me the news by itself and then turned it off later.

When I had some time later I leaned over to the DVR and unplugged it and then plugged it back in. I think that it was the storm this morning. We have it plugged into a surge protector so it probably did its job, or the DVR turned it off to protect itself. Anyway, it is working now. 

F slept for most of the afternoon and of course I was fine with that. He was tired and not feeling well. Around 2:30 I went downstairs and made my lunch and brought it upstairs to eat. I also watched an episode of Major Crimes again. 

F woke up a bit after 4 and started moving around again. He went downstairs and I have no idea what he was doing!

Around 6 he came upstairs and asked if I wanted to go out for dinner. I had planned to cook dinner tonight, but F at first said he didn’t want any and he also told me that his mother didn’t want any either. Okay then. I washed my dishes from the day and then went back upstairs to change my clothes. I told F that his mother was up again and he should really check to see if his mother didn’t need food.

When we went downstairs to leave, F asked his mother if she was hungry and she said she could eat something small! He ended up making her some ramen (what else?)

We decided to go over to Gusto, so we drove over there. The parking lot was really busy. I thought it was probably because it was 7 pm on a Friday night. We decided to try Cocos but the same thing. Busy. F suggested Nagomi but I said no. We’ve gone there too much lately and frankly I need a break. I thought of another place, but it was closed. We were driving back along the main road to a Chinese restaurant that we both like when we saw a new restaurant. 

Our old favourite Jiro closed around the new year. I’d gone there for years as I used to live across the street from it. We never heard why it closed but I think the owners were getting older and perhaps weren’t in the best of health.

Anyway, it has now been turned into an Indian & Nepali restaurant! We went in and were able to get a table. F, as always, wanted a set meal, so we got the couple set. We had a huge meal! We got two curries, two naans (one was garlic), soup, salad, tandori chicken and some shish kebab and then some ice cream and a drink. It was very nice. Our only caveat was that we didn’t order the curry spicy enough. We had chicken Kofta and pork haliyah (or something similar). Everything was very good, service was good and F enjoyed it as much as I did. Woot. 

After our meal, F did a quick grocery shop as he’ll be making K’s breakfast. I got a snack for another night and then we left and came back to the house.

F put the groceries away and I went upstairs. He followed a bit later. I took a shower and then came upstairs. I watched an episode of Gotham. I’m quite enjoying it so far, although it is very dark. 

And that’s about it for my day. It seems to have stopped raining, but all during the day I was getting alerts about possible flooding. There were other areas that rivers were overflowing or very nearly doing so. 

I’m not sure what we’ll get up to tomorrow, but there are a couple of English movies playing in Tsuruoka so I really hope that we’ll be seeing at least one of them. I’ve heard they are both good, so I’d love to see them. 

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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