September 5, 2024

Thursday - Hot and Sunny

I woke up at my usual time today, or a minute afterwards. I’d received a message from F saying that his sister was coming over to take the cardboard boxes that his mother had cut up. I went downstairs and when I came out of the washroom saw F’s sister coming in the door. I tried to tell her that I would go and get dressed and then come and help her. Well, I went upstairs and dressed, but when I came back, her husband was helping her so she didn’t really need me! Also, they were just about done. I just went back upstairs after that.

I had a relaxing morning and I enjoyed myself. After a while, I went downstairs and grabbed my breakfast. I ate it upstairs and watched the news. While the news was on, F came back for a bit. I had finished my breakfast which was good as he brought me some ice cream! It was choco-mint and very nice!

F stayed here for a bit, I even made him some coffee. He left just before I had to go downstairs to make my lunch. I went downstairs and made my lunch. It was my usual cheese toastie and a ham toastie, plus a salad. It was quite nice. I watched an episode of Major Crimes

I had my usual quiet afternoon and F called to say he was on his way back around 5:30. I went downstairs a little later to get started on dinner. Tonight it was a fairly simple meal, just hamburger patties and fries. We had salad, mixed steamed veggies, cucumber sticks and chawanmushi with it all. It was a pretty popular meal and there weren’t many leftovers at all.

I did the dishes and listened to some podcasts. I listened to the CBC news. It was quite depressing. The majority of the news stories today were about horrible things that the male part of the human race has done to the female part. I was angry about it all. 

When I finished the dishes, I went upstairs to change. Somehow between the end of doing the dishes and going upstairs to change, I put my back out. I just couldn’t bend or move properly. Trying to change my clothes wasn’t fun. I took a couple of OTC painkillers. They took a while to kick in, unfortunately.

F and I went to the grocery store and he came in today. I’m not sure if he went in because of my back, or because he wanted to buy stuff. I think it was a bit of both. He got some rice today, which is good because there is a bit of a shortage these days. I can live without it, but I don’t think K and F could! We bought some groceries and then checked out. After we left the store, we had about 10 minutes to go to the drugstore, so F drove us and we went in. Luckily, we both knew what we wanted so we went in and grabbed our stuff and then headed for the cashier. F paid and we left. Just safe. 

We came back to the house and I put the groceries away. I asked F if he mistakenly took the veggie carton that I bought for K upstairs. He said he didn’t, but he went out and checked the car and it was there. Whew! It must have fallen out of the bag. I’m glad he found it. 

I came upstairs and put on my pyjamas and watched a bit of YouTube. I also watched tonight’s episode of The Rookie: Feds. Again, I enjoyed it. I’ll be a little sad when it finishes. 

And that was about it for my day. I'm not sure what I’ll get up to tomorrow, but hopefully, it’ll be good. Come back later if you like and read about my Friday. Until tomorrow….

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