September 6, 2024

Friday - Rainy and cooler. Woot

I woke up this morning before my alarm but managed to fall back asleep again. The alarm went off and I went downstairs. I came back up and took another nap. When I got up later for real, I dressed, took a load of laundry downstairs and put it in the washing machine. I grabbed breakfast and brought it upstairs to eat.

I did a second load of laundry, the sheet that I wanted to wash yesterday and when it was done I hung it up in our room to dry. 

In the afternoon, I got a call from F. It was hard to hear him as he was using his earphone and I usually can’t understand him on that. He showed up a few minutes later with some ice cream. It was nice to see him and I enjoyed the ice cream. He had some coffee and relaxed for a while. He left just after I brought my lunch upstairs to eat. 

During lunch I watched another Major Crimes episode and later on the news. After a bit, F called to say that he was on his way back, so I went downstairs and got started on dinner. Tonight was a simple pasta night. We had spaghetti with tuna sauce, sliced duck breast, cucumber pickle, and salad. It was really nice tonight and for a change, all of the pasta was eaten. I’m quite impressed!

I did the dishes while listening to my podcasts. When I was done, I went upstairs and relaxed for a while. A little after 10 I went downstairs and showered, then went back upstairs and watched another episode of The Three Pines Mysteries. I’ve only got two more episodes to watch before the end of the month. I enjoyed the episode a lot, the writing and the acting are really good.

I’ve had a quiet evening. F came upstairs around 11:30pm and went to bed, he’s sleeping now. I have just been doing the blogger thing for the last little while. 

I’m not exactly sure what we’ll get up to tomorrow. There is a new movie in English, but I don’t know whether F will be up to go and see it. It’s a bit of a scary one, so I’ll be okay if I don’t see it. Probably!

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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