September 7, 2024

Saturday - Cloudy and rainy, slightly cooler


I woke up fairly early this morning, before my alarms. I went downstairs, met up with my husband, and then came back upstairs to go to bed again.  I slept quite late, but I had told him that I would. 

After my next trip downstairs, we talked about lunch and I said I’d think about it. I came upstairs again, started to get dressed and then texted F to see if he’d like to go for yakiniku. He said yes!  So, when I came downstairs I was ready to go, more or less!

We went off to Togashi and were able to get in right away. We had a fairly basic lunch without too many extras. Lunch was really good and we both enjoyed it. I asked F if there was anything else he wanted to do this afternoon and he said go back to the house. I was rather disappointed. I spend the whole week at the house generally, on the weekends, I want out!

We stayed at the house all afternoon. I was upstairs with the AC on, and F was downstairs for the most part without it. I had tried to get F to decide if he’d like to go to the movie tonight or not. I didn’t care too much either way. Tonight’s movie wasn’t a must-see in my opinion so I would be okay, I just wanted a decision so that I could plan the rest of the night. 

F came upstairs after a bit. He said his mother didn’t want any dinner and was going to go to bed. At one point, I asked him about dinner or the movie and he asked for a few minutes. Okay then. However, at 7:00pm I just went over to him and asked him what he wanted to do. I pointed out that if he wanted to go to the movie tonight we would have to leave right away to have dinner first. He was surprised and said that he wanted to go out to the mall! I was pretty surprised about that.

We drove out to the mall and bought our tickets to the movie. Then we went over to the bibinba place and tried to order. Unfortunately, they were out of our usual type so F asked what was still available. We both ended up having the same type, it was negi-shio. I liked it, but F didn’t. He covered his in sauce but I didn’t. I also tried to get F to go into the cinema a little early so we could get our popcorn and drinks, but he needed a couple more minutes to watch YouTube or whatever. 

When we did finally join the concession line, we were quite far back. It took us a while to get our stuff. F took it to the seats while I went to the ladies. 

What did we go and see? Alien: Romulus. I didn’t mind it. I wouldn’t say it was my favourite film at all, but it was fun. The characters weren’t stupid and the monsters were creepy and a bit scary. 

After the movie, we just drove back to Tsuruoka and to the house. We came upstairs and relaxed. F went to bed a while ago, I’ll go soon. 

Tomorrow, F is having a massage at noon. If I can get up on time I might go out to the mall with him and then we’ll have lunch afterwards. At least that was the plan we had when we talked about it earlier.

That’s it for today. Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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