September 8, 2024

Sunday - Hot and Sunny

I had a fairly quiet morning today. I did wake up early and went downstairs. I came back upstairs and went back to bed. My alarm went off around 10:30 and I struggled to wake up and get up. 

F was leaving the house around 11:30 so if I wanted to go with him and have some time out of the house, I had better get up. I did!  I got dressed and left with F.  He let me out at the mall.  

I did a little bit of a shop around in the mall. Of course, I visited Daiso, but also the DVD/CD shop, the grocery store and the drugstore. I didn’t buy very much. I got a bit tired and decided to go and have something to drink and a quick bite at Doutors near the time that F was to be finished his massage. 

I went in and got a decaf iced coffee and cheese toast. Of course, F finished early from his massage and came into the coffee shop to meet me. I offered to get him a drink, but he didn’t want one. I finished up as quickly as I could, but then I couldn’t get F to leave!

We had decided yesterday that we would go and have lunch at the karaoke box so, we drove over to it. We went in and then F opened his wallet and realized he had no money. ARGH!  Last night at the mall I strongly suggested to him that he get some at the mall. He said he would have time today…but he didn’t do it. 

We got back in the car and drove to the bank where F went in and got some money out. Then, we went back to the karaoke box. Unfortunately, it was quite busy today and they told us we wouldn’t be able to get in until 4 pm. F asked me what I wanted to do and I said no. The whole point was to have lunch there. I knew that F wasn’t really too interested in karaoke either so it wouldn’t be fun for me if he wasn’t having fun too. 

We drove around for a bit looking for a place to have lunch. I listed off places and then F decided that we’d go and have tonkatsu. I like tonkatsu, so no problem, but it is a bit heavy and quite expensive to boot. We ate and the meal was nice. However, F was wearing his earphones and watching/listening to something on his phone so it was a little lonely having lunch. 

After lunch I asked that we go to Gyomu Supa to pick up a few things, so F obliged me with that. I went in and spent a few minutes grabbing some stuff. I got us some potato salad and some frozen veggies, I got myself some sunflower seeds and picked up a few other things as well. Next up, we went to Musashi, the hardware store, so F could get some frozen mosquito larvae for his fish. Bleck. I let him go into the shop by himself!

We came back to the house with our frozen stuff and put it away. I expected that we’d go out soon but…we didn’t. F did something downstairs and I went upstairs where it was really hot. I ended up taking a nap. F was cleaning his fish tank. 

Around 6:30 or so I suggested going to get groceries. There was nothing in the store! There was, there really was, but no bread for me, no onigiri for F, and no salads either. I looked for some mini-tomatoes for K, but the ones they had were too expensive. She eats them like candy so they disappear too fast. I got K a small bento for tonight’s dinner and a couple of things for tomorrow’s lunch, I got sandwiches for F’s breakfast and some milk. I did forget pasta though!

I went back to the car and F drove us back to the house. He gave his mother the bento and then it was our turn. He wanted ramen and I of course didn’t. After a few words, I asked to be let out at Cocos and he could do what he liked. That’s what we did. Now, F is famous for rushing through his meal but as he dropped me off, I told him that I wasn’t going to rush, so I would take some time. And I did!

I went in, got a table and ordered. I tried a new pasta that was a monthly special, I also ordered drink bar and a salad, plus I got a small order of French Fries that were free because of my app. I had a couple of decaf coffee drinks and some grape juice too. I read a bit of my book on my phone and really enjoyed my meal. There was something about having food I liked without having to fight about food or trying to get another person’s attention during the meal that meant I really enjoyed my meal. 

Around 9pm I texted F to see where he was. In the parking lot apparently. I told him I’d finish up, pay and use the washroom, so I’d be soonish. He sent me a message back in Japanese saying soonish! 

I came back to the car and we drove back to the house. F had enjoyed his ramen apparently. He didn’t ask about my meal. I told him a little about it, but he didn’t care much.

Back at the house, I came upstairs and put on my PJs. After a while, I took a shower and then came back upstairs and watched an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Tonight she wasn’t after vampires! She was after a demon that got into the computer system! Silly fun. 

And that was basically my day today. I’m a bit frustrated by F since he didn’t really seem to want to communicate with me today. He just kept letting me down if I’m honest. This is coming just a couple of weeks before our anniversaries so I’m disappointed. After one of our arguments a couple of weeks ago he said that he wasn’t going to plan a dinner at a nice restaurant and I feel like he hasn’t changed his mind about that. He hasn’t told me about any plans. Oh well. 

Anyway, I’m done now. Not sure what I’ll get up to tomorrow except that I’m going to have to cook dinner. Come back later if you like and hear about what happens. Until tomorrow….

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