October 14, 2024

Monday - Sunny and warm

I woke up this morning when my alarm went off. I got up a few minutes later and went downstairs. I came back upstairs and got dressed.

F came upstairs a few minutes later and asked if I was ready to go. I was, basically. I threw my shirt on and went downstairs to use the washroom and comb my hair.

We drove down to the Aquarium but when we got there it was really busy. We wouldn’t be able to get a parking place near the entrance. We decided to go somewhere else. I wasn’t too upset because I warned F it would be busy and I didn’t really want sashimi for brunch. 

We ended up at a nearby pasta restaurant. We were there before it opened, so we waited a few minutes. When we were seated, we had a lovely seat by the window. We could see the ocean and the coastline for kilometres. Unfortunately for me, the menu wasn’t great. Almost everything had tomato in it, but the waiter checked for me and there was one dish I could have. I had the Pescatore, with lots of seafood. I hate to admit this, but I’m not a big seafood eater. I like fish, crab and lobster is fine, but I’m not a huge fan of the rest of it. So, the pasta was fine, but I didn’t really enjoy my lunch. It’s a shame as it was not a budget restaurant. F had linguini with crab. He liked his but didn’t love it I think. His had tomato paste in it, which is why I didn’t have it.

After lunch, we went driving. I thought we were going to go back to Tsuruoka, but we ended up in Sakata for coffee. I used my iPhone to find us a coffee shop. Between it and F’s map on the GPS, we ended up in this very old-style cafe. We were the only customers! It smelt like people had been smoking in there for years, but it was clean and neat. The furniture was old fashioned but the view from the window was lovely. We were looking out on the river and a golf course. We could see all the way to Mount Chokai too. The coffee was quite good, she made it with a siphon. It was quite cool to watch. 

We drank our coffee and then left. We ended up at a Daiso to use washrooms and pick up a few things. F wanted earphones and I wanted some corn nuts! We picked up our stuff and then went back to Tsuruoka.

In Tsuruoka we did our grocery shop first. I picked up a bento for K’s dinner and then a few things for dinner for the next couple of days. F wasn’t too helpful but he tried!

After the grocery store, I went into Gyomu Supa. I picked up a few things for the freezer and snacks and a few things for dinner. They have nice mayonnaise-based salads in bags for meals, it helps my meal planning. 

We came back to the house and unpacked the groceries. I headed upstairs and spent time on my favourite websites. F tried to give his mother some dinner later on, but she didn’t want it. 

We talked about where to go and since I’d had seafood for lunch, and a very small amount of meat for dinner last night, I wanted something meaty. F also wanted protein. I found a yakitori-ya on my computer and thought we could try it. The problem is that today is a national holiday so we didn’t know if it was open. We drove by but it was closed. Sigh. 

We decided to go to Togashi Yakiniku and that was a good choice. We had a little discussion about costs and decided to get a lower-cost mixed plate and then add on a couple of side dishes and drinks. We ordered the cheaper mixed plate which was still nice, an order of gyutan and a bowl of vegetable soup to share. We both had oolong tea to drink. Dinner was so nice and we were both full afterwards. 

F needed to mail something off and I wanted a drugstore, so we ended up at the Pal shopping area. He mailed his envelope and I headed into the drugstore.

We bought a few things in the drugstore and then came back to the house. F headed to bed fairly early as I think he is tired. He’s also back to work tomorrow. I watched The Batman off the DVR and enjoyed it. It’s a long movie, but I enjoyed it again. I saw it when it came out, so it was nice to see it on the smaller screen.

I’m planning to go off to Mikawa tomorrow. Since we didn’t go to any movies this weekend and there are two playing at Mikawa that I haven’t seen, I plan to go and see them both! It’s part of my duty as a movie reviewer I think! It does depend if I can get up early enough to catch my bus tomorrow though! F will bring me back after work.

So, that’s about it for me. Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow…. 

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