January 11, 2012

Wednesday - Cold and snowy. Windy too.

Went to bed last night quite early for me. I was rather surprised by that to be honest, but I knew that I’d have a busy, tiring day today, so it was for the best.

Today I got up, showered, all that good stuff. Although my class didn’t start until 4 pm, I knew I had to get over to the school to shovel snow and get my parking space cleared out. My intended time to leave home was around 1pm.

I managed to leave a bit after 1, probably around half past to be honest. I went via the bank machines to make a couple of deposits and then continued on my merry way. I got to my school, dumped my backpack, grabbed my shovel and “dump” and spent the next 30 or 40 minutes or whatever it was, shovelling snow. I cleared off the front steps of the building, all the way out to the road, and also did my parking space. There was someone parked in my space, but it was one of the cleaning crew and he moved his van when I asked him. Another tenant was opening up the gate area. The snowplough comes along there and blocks it every time they do our side road. When I finished my space, I tried to give him a hand, but he’d already done most of it. Around 3 pm, I went back into my school and got set up for work.

My student showed up on time and we had a good class. I hadn’t seen her for about a month due to her work, so it was nice that we were able to catch up. She also chose a textbook for us to use, which is a big relief for me too. We were using newspaper articles, but her topics were quite difficult to find for me.

After she left I cleaned up, did paperwork and read the newspapers. I waited for F to phone me but he didn’t. It was close to 7 before I started texting him and then I finally called him after 7. He’d been home for ages, but had been shovelling snow with the neighbours. I felt sorry for him to be honest, but he knew what time I finished work and I’d asked him to call me when he was off work.

He picked me up and we went to Cocos for dinner. It was quite nice and we shared a pot of their monthly tea. It was yuzu tea and was very nice, especially sweetened a little.

We came home and after F watched his craptastic fighting show, I watched Private Practice and then UK’s Next Top Model. I like the model’s accents, but don’t really care for the whole premise of the show.

That’s about it for today. I ordered the textbooks for my student, and also got a bookmooch for the first time in ages. I got a message that a book on my wishlist was available, so I mooched it. I now have my own copy of Miss Happiness and Miss Flower AND Little Plum, both by Rumer Godden. I credit Miss Happiness and Miss Flower (and James Clavell’s Shogun) as major influences in my wish to come to Japan. Crazy eh? Got to go. Night!


Mieko said...

At Cocos, they serve verious tea. Do you like YUZU? I always keep Yuzu-honey during the winter.

Helen said...

I do like yuzu...the smell is gorgeous and so is the taste in things! I don't like honey very much, but yuzu honey sounds interesting!

Thanks for visiting Mieko!