October 12, 2018

Friday - Cool and cloudy, a bit of sun at times

A good day.

This morning I got up out of my warm cozy bed and watched the news.  I feel bad for the people in Florida. I have a friend who lives within 6 hours of the hurricane zone, so I am hoping that she and her family are okay. 

I got dressed, watched Chuck, had breakfast, did some laundry, watched more TV and just generally had a good morning. I wasn’t BUSY, but I did seem to be up and downstairs fairly often.  

In the afternoon I watched a little telly and then went down for my lunch.  While I was there I decided I’d have some of my soup and then I offered K some too.  She accepted, so I heated up the soup, cut some of the French Bread, toasted and buttered it, and gave her some.  I think she was quite pleased.  I did make the plate look very nice for her.  

F came back to the house around the time of the soup heating for a quick visit. I did offer him soup, but he didn’t want any. He did take some of the buttered toast though. I ate my hot soup in the kitchen as I really didn’t want to carry it upstairs.

I took my salad upstairs and then brought down my chopsticks later on to wash. I also grabbed the ice cream that my hubby had brought me from the freezer. Yum.

F was back at a reasonable time tonight and we talked about dinner.  His mother had a request for a change, so we decided to go out and get some food. K had made rice today so we could have some of that, plus the last of my soup, plus whatever we bought in the store.  We did well I think. We bought some sashimi, chicken roll, gyoza, and then had that with my soup and the last of the French bread toasted and buttered. F & I had rice, K & I had soup.  Dinner was good.  F washed dishes afterwards and I dried them. 

K went to bed and F and I went out.  We went to the Internet Cafe and got massaging chairs.  It was nice and relaxing for me. There weren’t enough at first so F let me go first for a change.  That was nice. I watched some telly and then some YouTube. 

We came back to the house when the time was up and I took a shower.  When I came back to the room I watched a bit of TV.  I’m probably going to bed soon as I feel quite tired.  

We have no ideas about this weekend’s activities so you’ll just have to come back soon for an update.  Wish us luck. Until tomorrow….

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