June 21, 2023

Wednesday - Hot and muggy

I woke up this morning and got up soon after. I hadn’t heard F leave this morning so that was good! I got up, went downstairs, and then came back up and watched the news. I got dressed and then as is my habit, I took another nap!  I woke up a bit later and got up for real. I had planned to do laundry but dear F had done laundry last night and hadn’t taken it out of the washing machine. I would have hung it up for him but his laundry area is hard for me to reach.

I had a quiet morning and afternoon. I grabbed breakfast and went upstairs. I think that F’s sister took K out for lunch and maybe an onsen or a haircut.  I didn’t know I had the house to myself!

I watched the news today and after another snooze…I consider it more of a short siesta, I went downstairs to get lunch. K was back around then and came into the kitchen a couple of times. I was a bit sad that K hadn’t eaten any of the food I had set aside for her. She complimented me on the avocado plant that I have been growing for ages. It is looking good and needs desperately to be planted in a pot. The other time, she asked me to open a bottle of tea for her. I did it, no problem.  

I ate my lunch and watched an episode of The Handmaid’s Tale from last night. After it was over, I watched the Astrology love match show to break the mood. It was very silly!

F called me a bit after 5 to say that he was on his way back. I went downstairs and got a start on dinner. I got busy. I made some cucumber pickle, and I did some chicken with a tandori-style coating.  We had chicken, cucumber pickle, salad and tofu for dinner and it was all very nice. K and F had rice with their meal, I didn’t!

After dinner, I did the dishes and when I finished that I did up the garbage in the kitchen. I also threw out a few things from the fridge too. (Shh, don’t tell the others!)

I told F that I wanted to take a shower tonight and asked him to either take the early shift or the late one, but to tell me now! He said he’d take an earlier shower and did. When he finished his shower I went down and took mine. F went out as he was out of beer. When I went downstairs to take my shower, his mother was in the living room watching TV with no lights on. I went into the kitchen and K asked me where F was. I tried to tell her that he had gone to buy beer. I think she understood because she went back to bed!

I came back upstairs and watched Grey’s Anatomy. It was a good one tonight where the student doctors had to do videos about sex for the internet. Addison Montgomery was in this one and that was great too. It was quite funny, I laughed a lot. And…F came in again at 10 minutes before the end to “chat” with me. OMG. He always interrupts my shows at the worst moments!

During the show, I did a bit of crochet. I’ve been working on a little hexagonal blanket and tonight I added another motif. It’s going well!

That’s about it for me for today. Tomorrow I have to do some laundry and get ready for a long week next week. I’m a bit nervous about how it is all going to work out. 

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….


Kentucky Lady said...

I know you're anxious about your husband's surgery. Is he having a knee replacement? Are you close enough to a bus stop to get to a grocery on your own? Hoping everything goes great!Is it possible to make one meal large enough for you and MIL to have two dinners? Take care.

Helen said...

I'm not really sure if it is a knee replacement. I think it is similar...the cartilage has been lost, so he is getting metal on the ends of the bones...maybe a replacement!

Sadly, none of the buses near me go to grocery stores. We were/are planning to sign up for meal kit delivery, but F keeps dragging his feet on the whole thing, which is making me very anxious. That would help with K's lunches and our dinners.

I usually make enough at dinner that K can have something for her lunch the next day. I'd love to make enough for two dinners in a row, but it isn't done very often! The only time seems to be when I make curry...and I don't want to do that right now.

I might be able to make a big batch of soup or stew or something if I get all the ingredients before F goes into the hospital. That would help for a few days.Thanks for the idea!!

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