June 9, 2023

Friday - Cloudy and muggy, a bit cooler

I woke up this morning when my alarm went off. It was the first morning that I didn’t use a quilt on my bed, and I was warm enough. It was nice not to wake up sweating again. 

I got up, watched the news and sorted my laundry. Then, I took another nap. I woke up a couple of hours later. I had a hard time getting up today. I really didn’t want to do it!

When I got up, I went downstairs with my laundry and started a load. I grabbed my breakfast and took it back upstairs. I did my usual laundry things. I did a couple of loads of clothes today. It felt good to get stuff done. 

I had a quiet afternoon. I got a couple of messages from F. He’s got to go to the dentist tomorrow. That changed our plans a bit as we had thought about going to Costco tomorrow, but won’t be able to do that. It’s not a huge deal, we’ll probably go on Sunday instead.

After my lunch I watched another episode of that silly Astrology dating show. I’m not really sure what the point is. So many of the people just seem fake. 

F called me after 5:30 and suggested going out for yakitori tonight. We were supposed to go last week but the dentist pulled 3 teeth and he didn’t want to go…for obvious reasons!  I was fine with it. I was going to make pasta tonight, but I didn’t need to! I suggested that he grab a bento for his mother and then we could go.

I got ready to go out. I debated between a couple of shirts and finally decided on one. F arrived and gave his mother her bento, and then he came up to change. He told me that he had booked us seats at the restaurant and called a taxi. Wow! He really did want to go out.  

We went downstairs and went outside to wait for the taxi. It came very quickly and we were taken off to F’s favourite izakaya. We had a good time there. We had a lot of yakitori, a bit of tofu and some salad as well. I even had a drink drink! We were there for a couple of hours I think and then it was time to go. F wanted to walk to another bar. I was game as I brought an umbrella “just in case”, but worried about F’s knees. We’d gone about 50 metres when he asked me if I liked ochazukei and of course I said yes.  Apparently, we were now in front of a little ochazukei shop so we went in. 

It was quite small inside and there were a couple of people, but they left when we came in. We ordered a couple of bowls and when we got them, they were delicious. I had salmon and F had ume. Basically, it’s a bowl of rice, seaweed, a bit of wasabi and some green tea. Mine had flakes of salmon of course, and F had some mashed up ume. F had another beer and I had an oolong tea and we were both quite pleased with our after meal! We couldn’t stay long as the Mama-san was expecting a large group. It’s probably for the best as it was quite expensive there. She gave us a plate of pickled vegetables and F and I ate them. It was quite nice. 

When it was time for us to leave, F asked her to call a taxi for us, which she did. She gave us the bill and then F put the money in the plate that she’d given us the pickled veggies in. It still had liquid in the bottom. Ack! I grabbed the bill and wiped the bottom of it. I couldn’t believe he did that!  We all had a good laugh at it. 

The taxi came in fairly soon after that so we were able to leave. We just came back to the house. I’m rather glad because I didn’t want F to walk to the other bar. 

At the house we relaxed for a while and then I went downstairs to take a shower. While I was there, I decided that I might as well clean the shower too. I haven’t done it in ages and recently F or K have been cleaning fools. They cleaned the bath, but not the room around it. I cleaned some of the room! It isn’t perfect, but it looks better in there. 

I came back upstairs and went onto my computer. And, here we are now. I’m on my way to bed soon. I’m a bit tired, but enjoying my Friday night. I’m not exactly sure what we’ll get up to tomorrow, but please come back and find out. Until tomorrow….


Kelly said...

Glad to hear you both had a very nice night. 😊

Helen said...

Thanks! Yes, I think we both deserved it. I know I needed it :-)

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