July 6, 2023

Thursday - Hot and sunny

I got up this morning and watched the news. I did the nap thing afterwards and when I finally did drag myself out of bed I was shocked to see the temperature. It was 29 degrees in our room. That’s a little hot for the morning. 

I grabbed breakfast but I also combined it with lunch today. I had my yogurt and cereal and then a couple of open-face sandwiches. It was pretty darn good. I started getting dressed around 12:50 and was able to run out the door at 1:30.  I got to the bus stop on time and had to wait a few minutes before the bus arrived. 

I had a good and quiet trip to the hospital. There was a bit of a traffic jam outside the hospital as a couple of people were trying to get into taxis. They were taking up the bus stop’s space. I got off the bus and went into the hospital. I thought I’d look and see if I could get another magazine for F at the mini-conbini in the hospital. I rounded a corner…and there was F! That was a big surprise! He was using a kind of walker, but he was on his feet buying stuff. He said that it was for my visit…but I’m not really allowed to take off my mask while I’m visiting.  I told him that I would like to use the washroom, so I did that and then went upstairs to meet up with him. We had a nice visit. I think I got a few minutes longer than 15 minutes but it still wasn’t enough. We chatted a little, he handed over some laundry for me to do and I handed over a bag full of stuff that I had brought for him. All too soon, our time was up. We made arrangements for the next visit…I decided to try and come next Tuesday rather than next Thursday. I can’t meet up with F as early, but I was thinking that I should be able to drop off any clean laundry later in the week for F, so he doesn’t have to wait too long for it. He walked me to the elevator and we hugged before I got on.  I nearly cried when leaving him there. It’s so sad that he has to stay for another 2 to 3 weeks. I think now that he is a little more mobile, he’d like to meet me downstairs and not tell the nurses upstairs, but I don’t really think it is a good idea. 

I had to wait a while for a bus to come back to the house, so I had a drink from a vending machine and sat in a little corner of the hospital with tables and chairs.  I caught the bus and came back to the house. 

K was up when I arrived. She didn’t want the air conditioner on in the living room, but it was hot. Oh well. I went upstairs and turned on the air conditioner in the room. It was hot again. Sigh. I relaxed and cooled off. 

I went downstairs around 6 pm and got started on dinner. And, I turned on the air conditioner! It was hot in the kitchen. Tonight I did a pretty nice dinner I think. I made pasta with ume-shiso sauce, a zucchini/onion steam, sliced cold chicken and salad. I put it out on the table and K and I ate. We finished all the pasta, luckily I had already put some aside for her lunch tomorrow. Dinner was great. 

I cleared the table, did the dishes and then went upstairs to relax again. I brought my computer over to the bed and watched an episode of Miranda. The show is such a breath of fresh air and is so funny! 

After a while, I went over to the desk and then looked for the sandwich I bought for K’s lunch tomorrow. I couldn’t find it at all. Oh, dear. I decided to go downstairs and make her some tuna salad in a bowl and give her a few crackers that she likes (they are sweet and jalapeño flavoured) to have with them. I hope she understands that they are for her breakfast!

I came back upstairs and watched The Rookie. It was the Halloween episode and was quite good. The TV went off at midnight and now I’m blogging.

I’m not sure what I’m going to get up to tomorrow. I have to do some laundry, both for me and for F, and I’m going to the grocery store with F’s sister tomorrow afternoon. I’ll hopefully be able to buy a few bigger items and I’m hoping for a bit of ice cream or something that I really can’t bring back on the bus!

I’m sort of planning a quiet weekend, although I’m not sure if I’ll go out on Sunday or not. It depends if I need to get lunch/breakfast things for K. She is a bit of a worry for me if I’m honest. I’m also worried that she won’t use the air conditioner when she’s by herself. It is getting too hot. I know it is cooler downstairs, but not too much cooler. 

Oh well. That’s about it for me. Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….


Kelly said...

29 degrees seems quite hot for this time of year, is that usual?

Glad to hear you finally got to have a catch up with F! It must be so hard not being able to visit him like you would normally do.

Helen said...

29 does seem a little hotter than usual. This year has been quite hot here. We never got too much of the rainy season at all....not complaining too much, but....I shudder to think what August is going to be like. It is usually much worse.

It is hard not to visit him much, but we text and phone, so it isn't too bad. If I have a question I text him so it helps me a lot. I just didn't want to leave him in the hospital yesterday.

Thanks for your comments.

Kelly said...

Oh wow. Well I am travelling to Japan in August so I guess I better pack some shorts! Good thing I read your blog as I didn't realise it would be so warm. 😊

Helen said...

Are you going to Hokkaido? It may be slightly cooler, depending on where you are going, but Sapporo can be extremely hot at times. The air seems to get trapped in the middle of the island there.

August is usually my least favourite month in Japan...too hot and too humid.