June 30, 2023

Friday - Hot and muggy

I had a quiet morning and afternoon today. I got up on time to watch the news, watched it, and then I took a nap afterwards. Yay me!

I got up, took a load of laundry downstairs, grabbed my breakfast and then came upstairs to eat. I had a quiet afternoon, I watched the news and spent a bit of time texting F. I think he was bored! He must be feeling better as he asked me to bring him some more stuff. I can deliver stuff to the hospital during the week, I just can’t see him. Sigh. 

I had lunch and relaxed a bit. It was so hot this afternoon that I did turn on the AC for a while. It wasn’t the heat so much today, but the humidity was really high. Argh.

I got half dressed around 5 pm and around 5:30 I went downstairs to make K’s dinner. I decided to take the easy way out tonight and I did another microwave-in-the-bag thing for her. I did set her up with salad and the leftover cucumber pickle from yesterday. I told her that I was going out tonight with my friend and would be back around 9:00 or 9:30. Well, I tried to tell her, but who knows if she understood anything I say. I know she doesn’t hear much, but my Japanese isn’t very good anyway!

She seemed fine with her dinner and after I made it and gave it to her, I went upstairs to finish getting dressed. I came downstairs again and waited for my friend. K did invite me to sit in the living room, but I didn’t want to. I just wanted to be able to go.

My friend arrived and I went out to meet her. We drove over to Shimamura, a cheaper clothing store and went in. I had to buy something for F! I managed to find what he wanted and I picked up quite a few packages for him. My friend and I took a quick look at the other things in the store, but we didn’t buy anything else.

We went over to Cocos and went in. We were lucky enough to get seated right away and had a good meal. I had the chicken Jambalaya which was quite tasty. We shared an order of fries and both had drink bar. That was nice!

When we finished in the restaurant, we went over to the grocery store across the road and both of us got a few groceries. I picked up a few things for dinner over the next few nights as well as some stuff for K’s lunches and breakfasts, particularly for days when I’m too busy to make her proper meals.

My friend dropped me off at the house after our shopping and then went on her way. She let me know a bit later that she made it home safely.

I relaxed for a bit and then took a shower. When I finished, I came back upstairs. I planned to watch something short off the Fire Stick, but ended up watching a movie! It was an oldie, one of the ones with a huge cast and interlocking characters. It was called Valentine’s Day. I didn’t mind it, but wouldn’t say it was the greatest film ever or anything.

And that’s about it. It’s been a better day and spending time with my friend has really given me a nice lift. 

I’m not sure what I’ll get up to tomorrow, so you’ll just have to come back later and find out. Enjoy your Canada Day if you celebrate it. If you don’t, why not?!

Until tomorrow….


gn-in-Massachusetts said...

Hi Helen,

I'm glad you had a good day and got to be with your friend. If you don't mind my asking, how come you don't drive? I enjoy days when I can stay home all day, but I'd go stir crazy if I couldn't go out when i wanted to.

It's been hot and humid here in Massachusetts and the smoke from the fires in Canada are causing air-quality alerts which is something that i don't recall being an issue in the past. A lot of times the weather here is very similar to your area.

I hope you have a nice weekend.


Helen said...

When I lived in Edmonton, I never needed to drive. I lived 3 blocks from a major bus line. I drove farm vehicles when I was on the farm as a kid, and even took Driver's Ed, but never went for my license.

I've never really wanted to drive. Usually, F will drive me anywhere I want to go! It would be convenient right now, but luckily for me, they opened a bus stop a few blocks away that takes me downtown where I can either catch a train or another bus if necessary. The bad thing is that the buses end early here. The last bus back to the house leaves downtown at 16:35, which is a bit early in my opinion!

Kelly said...

Glad to hear you had a good night out with your friend. 😊

Helen said...

Thanks, Kelly! I really needed it.

Thanks for visiting and commenting too.