August 18, 2023

Friday - Hot, sunny and humid

I got up this morning around 8 am to watch the news. After it was over, I went back to bed. I had turned on the AC after a bit of an internal struggle. It was already 30 degrees at 8 am. Good gravy. 

I slept for a few hours, I slept all the way through my alarms and didn’t really wake up until 12:30 when F asked if I wanted to go for lunch! Oops. I told him later that I’m not sleeping well at night because it is so hot, so I sleep longer when the AC is on. That’s my excuse for now.

F made his mother ramen this morning for breakfast which annoyed me. I had bought her sandwiches for her breakfast so he didn’t need to do that. However….at least she got to eat. 

F and I did go out around 1 pm or so. We talked a few options and decided we’d try the restaurant in Fujishima. We were on the way there in the car, when F mentioned another restaurant that was on the way. I suggested changing to that one since it is a much better restaurant in my opinion and it was right there! 

We were able to get in. We had pizza with a set each. That meant that we each got some vichyssoise (amazing) and a panna cotta of carrots. We also got a plate of sliced tomatoes and either mozzarella or burrata with some basil leaves. Everything was amazing. We ordered two medium pizzas and they were delicious. We got the quattro fromage and it came with honey, and also the daily special that had corn, Italian ham and sheep’s milk cheese. Oh, that last one was amazing. I’ve never understood corn on pizza before, but this was sliced off the cob corn and it was both sweet and crunchy. It was balanced with the salty ham and was just so good. 

Corn, ham and sheep's milk cheese. Amazing! (And no tomatoes for me :-D)

Quattro Fromage (Also yum!)

This was not a cheap meal by any means, but it was a delicious one. 

After lunch, we did a bit of driving back into the city. I felt like having a coffee so we went to Komeda and after a few minutes were able to be seated. We both had cafe au lait and I got a good laugh. F had ordered his sweetened and after the waitress left, he looked at me and said, “Oh no! I forgot to order milk for our coffee.” I laughed and told him that “au lait” literally meant with milk, so it would be okay!

We went to the grocery store after our coffee to get bentos for dinner. We’d spent so much for lunch that I couldn’t ask F to take us out for dinner too. We went into MaxValu and did the shopping. We managed to get 3 decent bentos and a few other things, but not the milk that we actually needed!

We came back to the house and chilled out upstairs. Well, after a while we did. It was around 33 degrees in our room when we arrived. Argh.

A bit after 7 pm we went downstairs and I started heating up the bentos. F and K both had fish, and I had chicken and fried rice. F was watching some horrible show about fish on the TV. Of course, muggins here got to do the dishes. Happily, there weren’t many. 

I watered the plants outside and then I decided to finally pot my avocado plant. I’ve grown an avocado from seed this year, but it’s been in a tiny jar for too long. I transplanted it tonight. I had to ask F for some help from time to time, but I have everything upstairs now. I watered the poor thing so I hope it’ll survive. F gave me one of K’s buckets to put the plant in, I hope she doesn’t get annoyed at me, it wasn’t my idea. I put in 3 litres of water, the bucket was quite necessary!  I hope it keeps growing.  

In the evening after all of that, I did another load of laundry, this time towels, and then took a shower. I followed that up with an episode of The Walking Dead…the one in the Cave…and then an episode of The Crowded Room. That’s an interesting one. Tom Holland is doing a pretty good job I think. 

I’m not sure what we’ll get up to tomorrow. It’s the annual fireworks night in Tsuruoka and we aren’t planning to go. It wouldn’t be easy for F in his present condition and we didn’t make arrangements for seating anyway. We might watch it from our bedroom window, or we might just forget about it!

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….


Kirang said...

I have often wondered if it would be better for your family and you to move to the UK. You will be in a place where the weather suits you and your children may find more opportunities and independence to create careers and their social circles. They may be getting to the age when they will be beginning to think of leaving home. Where will you be happier and healthier if you had to live alone as you age?

Politically and economically I do not know if Europe is better than any other place in the world... right now, but I do see many opportunities for young people to find independence.

Homeownership is a pain, always something to fix up and repair but then there is the pride and joy of living in a place that you have nurtured. I hope you are able to get a bank loan to do the things that you need to do to fix up both places.

Kirang said...

oppps i think I sent a comment to the wrong blog.

Helen said...

Yup! Wrong blog. No children here! Although I could possibly move permanently to the UK, I would rather move to Canada where I am from!

Thanks for the chuckle today. :-)