July 31, 2023

Monday - Hot and sunny, then stormy with thunder at night

I woke up this morning when my alarm went off. I got up, went downstairs and then came back to watch the BBC news. When it finished, I went back to sleep and stayed in bed for ages!

I woke up around 11 but didn’t get up until 12ish. Sigh. I grabbed my breakfast and then I came back upstairs to eat. F wanted to know if I wanted to go out to eat, but I really didn’t. I ate my breakfast and dressed. I had a quiet early afternoon. 

I did a little printing in the afternoon too. I printed out my schedule for F and also sent a screenshot to my sister so she can plan to pick me up!

I made lunch for F and me. It was just a simple one of cheese toast and an open chicken sandwich each, but it was good. I think F liked it. 

I watched a lot of YouTube this afternoon and then went over to the bed for a quick nap before 6 pm.

I went downstairs and made dinner. I cooked a little and I also used some prepared foods that I had bought. We had air-fried chicken drumsticks, salad, pasta salad, cucumber pickle, and some tofu. F and K both had rice with their meals. It went over quite well. 

I did the dishes afterwards of course. The weather had changed during dinner, and it was pouring. We had a lot of lightning during the evening too. 

I took a shower during a lull in the storm and came back upstairs and watched another episode of The Crowded Room. I think the psychiatrist has finally figured out what is going on. Good for her.

Unfortunately, our DVR seems to have stopped working during the storm. I was watching my show on the Fire Stick, but I can’t seem to turn on the DVR at all now. I’m not happy about this. It doesn’t work properly, but I’ve got a few workarounds….now if it doesn’t work at all I don’t know what I’m going to do. Sigh. 

I’m not sure what’s going to happen tomorrow. F has his physiotherapy in the morning, no idea what else will go on during the day. I’m not even sure if I’ll be able to record The Walking Dead tomorrow or not. 

Anyway, come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….


Rosa said...

Congrats on making a plan to travel back to Canada! You must be so happy to have that to look forward to! Seems like F is doing well in his recovery phase and hopefully his sister can help with taking care of their mother so you can get away unencumbered.

Helen said...

Thanks! I do worry that I'm leaving F in the lurch, but it should be cooler by the time I leave and F may even be going back to work, fingers crossed.

His sister has been helping a bit with her mother, she takes her out to onsens sometimes and gets her hair cut, which really has been a help. F never thinks about his mother needing clothes or haircuts. I do, but I'm not "family" so my opinions don't count for much.

Thanks for visiting :-)