September 11, 2023

Monday - Hot, sunny and oh so humid

We slept in this morning. I decided to not get up early in the morning to watch the news. I didn’t think that 11 minutes of British news was worth it. It wasn’t today anyway.

I slept until a bit late today, but we had no plans so no big deal! F went downstairs and made his mother lunch and then it was our town. We went out. I had suggested going to Arpeggio and F was okay with that. We went there and got in right away. We both had soboro don and it was very nice. 

After lunch we visited a drugstore and I picked up a few last minute things for the trip and also for the next few days. It was more expensive than I thought it would be!

We came back to the house and relaxed for a while.  I watched YouTube and then went over to the bed for a bit of a nap. I didn’t actually nap though, I read a book that I have been reading for a few days. 

F made his mother some dinner and then we talked about going out. We waited until 8 pm and then just went to Gusto. It was boring and quiet, but that’s not a bad thing really. We both had side dishes as main dishes, plus the drink bar as well. 

We came back to the house after dinner. We took the plastic garbage out to the gomi station. Finally I got rid of my plastic bottles. Whew!  After that, I walked to the local temple. Today would have been my mother’s birthday and I just wanted to pay tribute. It was also my father’s birthday last month and the anniversary of his death so I had a lot of reasons to go. I walked to the temple, did my thing and then came back.

I noticed that I had left a light on in the car, but F had locked it, so I called him and asked him to unlock the car from upstairs and I’d turn off the light. He did, and then I did! I went into the house and then watered the plants outside.

I went upstairs and after a little rest I took a shower. I really needed it! For the rest of the evening I rested and watched YouTube. Today sadly, I didn’t do very much to get ready for my trip. Tomorrow, F is going to go out in the afternoon and I’ll use some of that time to get my suitcase ready and maybe even packed! Or laundry. My mind boggles! I really need to get some of this stuff done soon.

Anyway, that’s about it for me. Not sure what will happen tomorrow so come back later and find out. Until tomorrow…. 


gn-in-Massachusetts said...

Hi Helen,

I hope you have a wonderful trip and that your packing up goes smoothly. I would love to be able to visit my sister in Illinois, but it will have to wait for a bit longer. When do you leave and when do you come back?


Helen said...

I leave this Saturday and come back in the middle of next month.

Sorry that you can't visit your sister yet.

Thank you for visiting!