September 8, 2023

 Friday - Cloudy and finally rainy

I woke up early this morning to watch the BBC news and then I watched a little of the Spanish and French news too. I watched the last two, I didn’t understand them though. I went back to bed as F got ready to leave for the hospital.

I fell back asleep, but a few minutes later, F came back. Not only did his physiotherapist have a holiday, but his doctor wasn’t available due to an emergency. Oh dear. While F was back in the house, he got a couple of phone calls so that meant I didn’t sleep that well. 

I dragged myself out of bed a lot later and got dressed. F and I talked about where to go for lunch, but didn’t come to a decision. F took a bit of a nap and didn’t wake up until something like 1:30. When he woke up, we talked about lunch and I suggested a couple of places. He decided to go to Cocos so off we went.

The restaurant wasn’t too busy so we could get seated right away. We were able to order off the lunch menu, so F had a beef stirfry on rice and I had chicken and mushroom pasta with salad and soup. It was a very nice lunch. 

We made a brief stop at a post office so I could deposit 50 more yen! I’m slowly getting rid of my piggy bank coins. Very slowly!

Next up, we went to the doctor’s office and picked up my new compression socks. I asked the doctor if he thought I should wear them on my flight and he said it was a good idea, so they ordered them for me. We paid and then left the clinic. 

We did a bit of a drive around Tsuruoka next. I wasn’t sure what F had in mind, but I decided to just trust him. We ended up at the bread factory again, and had a snack. We bought a big dadacha-mame bread thing, and then a sweet treat each. The factory gives customers either mugicha which I had, or coffee, which F had. F and I split the dadacha-mame bread and it was lovely. For those not in the know, dadacha-mame is the local edamame…supposedly special!  We had a quiet but nice time there. We stayed there for about an hour and I was worried that the place had closed and they were too polite to tell us. It hadn’t closed yet, but we left anyway!

We came back to the house and relaxed for a bit. We decided to take K out for dinner and would leave at 7 pm. Great. I watched some YouTube and chilled.

We left at 7 pm and got into a Gusto easily. We ordered our food and had an okay meal. F was a bit of a pain as he ordered side dishes for his mother, and was giving her parts of his meal. She, on the other hand, was protesting that her meal was too big and was giving him back parts of his meal! It was a little funny. 

After the meal, we came back to the house and dispersed. F went upstairs, K went to bed and I went upstairs later. I tried on the stockings and wore them for an hour or so. It was a bit hard to get them on, but I had watched a couple of YouTube videos so I managed. When I took them off I was a little shocked to see that I mustn’t have got them as smooth as I thought I did. I had a couple of marks on my legs from the stockings. Oh dear. I’ll try again in the morning, probably. 

I watched The Walking Dead and then I took a shower. F was supposed to go and take his shower first, but he didn’t. Oh well. The Walking Dead was great tonight, I really enjoyed it. 

After my shower I started watching some YouTube and basically that’s where I am now. I’ve been blogging for a while and I’m nearly done. 

Tomorrow is one week until my leaving day. I’m getting worried about how much stuff I need to do!

We have no plans that I know about for tomorrow, so come back later if you like and hear about my day. Until tomorrow….


Rosa said...

Compression stockings are a pain to get on and off but they will do you good on long flights as you know. I wear the light compression ones from time to time for everyday and those are easier to get on and off, but still a pain-- and unfortunately not as effective as the heavier compression ones. If you can find them on youtube, Bob and Brad physical therapists have good advice about donning and wearing compression stockings. Definitely worth a search.

That 50 yen at a time limit is amazing. But I guess a yen saved is a yen earned!

Helen said...

I did watch the Bob and Brad videos and also a few other sources that seemed quite credible about how to put compression stockings on and take them off. I plan to watch them again now that I have them in hand!

It's not really a 50 yen limit, it's a 50 coin limit, but I was trying to get rid of 1 yen coins. I still have a lot left. Poor F was trying to give me extra coins yesterday so my deposit wouldn't be so small, but I couldn't take them or I'd get charged a fee! I figure I'm going to take advantage of F being off work and able to drive me places and make as many small deposits as I can! I'm not making him go out of our way to make the deposits either, we happened to be passing a post office!

Thanks for visiting :-)