November 26, 2023

Sunday - Cold and rainy and cloudy

I woke up a little earlier than I did yesterday. F came upstairs again and suggested that we leave soon for Sakata. I got dressed and a little later we left. 

We drove into Sakata and went to a yakiniku restaurant. We had a pretty good meal. We both had bibinba with some meat that we cooked. After, F wanted dessert too, so we ordered that.

After lunch, we ended up at the Honma Museum of Art. It was rather expensive to go in, but we did. The first building wasn’t that great, but it had a few interesting things. One thing I liked a lot was the museum used QR codes to give English and Korean explanations for their items. What a great way to use technology to include people.

We finished in the first building and then went over to the second building. We had to walk through an amazing Japanese garden to get there, it was lovely. The only thing was it was slightly damp and very rocky and hilly, so I was worried about F falling and honestly about me too! The second building had some interesting features and a gorgeous view of the garden. We walked back to the first building when we were done and left the umbrellas that we had borrowed just in case it rained. 

The view from the second floor of the museum.

Next up, we drove to my friend’s house and we dropped off a present for her. It was her birthday today and I’ve had the souvenirs from Canada waiting for her since I got back!

F and I drove back into Tsuruoka and I did some grocery shopping. We went to our usual grocery store and also to the Gyomu Supa and then Yamaya. F picked up some drinks for himself at the last one, I picked up some snacks and some things for my Christmas buffet thing I do. 

We came back to the house and F gave his mother the bento I bought for her and got in my way a lot!He also stayed downstairs while I went upstairs to take some pain medicine. My legs were quite sore after today’s garden climbing. 

We went out for our dinner a bit later. We left here around 7:30 and F did the thing where he didn’t even discuss with me where to go before he was in the car! I suggested either Gusto or Sushi and he chose sushi. No big deal, I had just wanted drink bar. 

We had some okay stuff at Kappa Sushi, we shared some fries and I tried hard not to have too much deep-fried stuff. Apart from the fries obviously!

I had asked F if we could go to Starbucks for a few minutes but just before the corner he had a huge coughing fit and begged off. I understood, but I was rather sad. 

We came back to the house and I decided I was going to watch something off the Fire Stick, so I found Totally Killer and watched that. It was quite funny, but also a bit suspenseful. It was a bit like Scream crossed with Back to the Future which are two movies it name-checked quite often. 

And that’s about it. Now it is very late and I really need to get to bed. 

Come back later if you like and hear all about my Monday. Until tomorrow….


Kelly said...

The garden is stunning! Love the different colours of the leaves.

Helen said...

Hi Kelly, thanks for visiting.

Yes, it is! I've lived in the area for more than 25 years and this was the first time that I've seen it. Absolutely gorgeous. It comes close to rivalling my favourite garden in Niigata. It's a little smaller, but well laid out.