August 29, 2024

 Thursday - Hot and Humid, cloudy

I woke up fairly early this morning. F had already left, but he hadn’t turned on the AC. I slept a bit longer and then got up and went downstairs. I turned on the AC because it was too hot as usual. I saw that F had left his thermos behind so I thought he might come back and get it, but he never did.

I dozed a bit longer then went downstairs to get my breakfast. I checked K’s food supply and she had eaten some of her breakfast and some of her lunch! It’s quite funny at times. 

I ate my breakfast, watched the news and some YouTube and then buckled down and finished my column. I even sent it in to the Journal Editor so I’m free now. Woot!

I went downstairs and made my lunch. I saw K make a washroom run while I was down and I tried to talk to her. I had to wait. Then I asked her if she’d like her gyoza now. She said yes, so I heated them up for her and brought her a plate for the sauce and her chopsticks. She said it was too many for her at first—there were 6…I told her she could just eat half of them…but later when I checked, she had eaten them all. I’m glad that I was able to give her extra food today. Some days I see her looking for food and I feel bad that I didn’t buy or make her a big enough lunch. (Although some days I wonder if she’s just bored or forgotten that she has eaten.)

I ate my lunch upstairs and watched an episode of Major Crimes. It was quite good…the detectives are not too happy having a new boss and the old detective wants to quit because he thought he should have been the new boss. 

I had a bit of quiet time before F called to say he was on the way back. I went downstairs to get started on dinner. Tonight we had toaster oven chicken with French fries, tuna and macaroni salad, cucumber pickle with the last of F’s sister’s cucumbers, and salad and for a change, most of it disappeared! K had more fries and all of the cucumber was eaten tonight. Yay. 

I did the dishes. There weren’t that many, but I was so hot in the kitchen that I didn’t want to do anything! I finally had to. I listened to a couple of podcasts while I worked and then I went upstairs when I finished. F had already left, and K had gone to bed, so I was done! I took a can of root beer up with me. I enjoyed it so much.

A bit after 10 I took a shower and then came back to the room and watched The Rookie: Feds. It was quite a good episode again. The lead worked with the team that she was originally assigned to and realized that she would have learned something from them too. That was a neat idea for a show. 

F is in bed and sleeping I hope. I have to get to bed soon. I should say that tomorrow night F and I are going out to a Beer Garden at our Wedding Hall. Depending on how I feel when we finish, I might not post tomorrow night. If I’ve had a great time and drunk a lot I might just go to bed…but….you never know. I rarely drink so I’m not sure how likely it’ll be. 

Come back later if you like and hear about my day(s). Until tomorrow?


Kelly said...

Hey Helen, did you skip a day or is the date a typo? I just noticed today says the 30th and usually the posts I read of yours in the morning say the previous days date. Anyway I hope you have a good Friday! 😊

Helen said...

Oops! Thanks for catching that. As always I was blogging late and I forgot to subtract a day from the date showing on my computer.

I have corrected it. :-) You passed my Readers Test!!

Kelly said...

Haha thanks 😊