September 2, 2024

Monday - Sunny in the am, Rainy for the rest of the day. And cooler!!

I woke up first around 7:30. Well, actually, F woke me up much earlier, but I went back to sleep. Then I got up around 7:30, made a trip downstairs and then went back to sleep. I turned off my early alarm and decided to sleep a bit late and then F came back to the house!  He was waiting for someone that he had driven. He did bring me an ice cream, but since I was still in bed and hadn’t even had breakfast yet, I didn’t want it! He put it in the freezer for later.

I finally dragged myself out of bed, dressed and went downstairs. I grabbed breakfast, and checked that K had her breakfast…yes…she’d even started her lunch. 

I came back upstairs to eat and then relax. I did my usual YouTube and news thing. I didn’t do anything too strenuous today as I was quite tired still.

I got my lunch later and watched an episode of Major Crimes while I ate. I had a quiet afternoon really. I changed the towels downstairs and then came back up for a few more minutes of quiet. F called to say he was on the way back. 

I went downstairs and was a bit upset when I saw the state of the kitchen. Three days of F and K running the kitchen meant that it was a mess. Nothing was put away and all the garbage needed doing up.  It was annoying. I cleaned it up and then got started on my dinner prep. 

Tonight I made roasted veggies with coro-coro steak, salad, cucumber pickle and some steamed veggies. Everything turned out well, but I was a little late getting things on the table. Most of the things disappeared, but there were a few potatoes left over for me to have at lunch yesterday.

I did the dishes and did up the plastic garbage. This week it was time to put out the PET bottles. I put the bags in the genkan for F to take them out later. He took them out tonight.

I went upstairs when I finished in the kitchen and said goodnight to K. I relaxed in my room and after an hour went downstairs and took a shower. F was downstairs making himself a second dinner. He does this every night and I’m quite upset about it. he won’t enough of my lovely dinner, but has to spoil it with noodles. Yuck. Oh, well. That’s on him. 

After my shower, I asked him if he wanted his ice cream from the morning and he said yes. I took mine upstairs with me and had it. I also decided that I’d put on a programme off the Fire Disk, so I decided on an episode of The Three Pines Mysteries. The channel is going to take it off at the end of the month and I have only watched the first 4 episodes. Well, now I have only 3 to go. It was very enjoyable. I also found out that one of the actors was one of Donald Sutherland’s sons. That was rather cool.

I turned off the TV when the show finished and then F came back up to the room. I’m not sure what he was doing downstairs!

He went to bed and I watched a bit of YouTube while I did some blogging. Tomorrow I hope to get a few things done like printing out the WOWOW schedule for myself, doing some laundry and a few other things that I need to do. I also have to plan my getaway next month. I really need one. 

Anyway, that is it for me. Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….


gn-in-Massachusetts said...

Hi Helen,
I'm glad you mentioned the Three Pines series. I didn't know Louise Penny's books had been made into a series. I just finished reading Still Life and now reading A Trick of the Light. What's also interesting to me is that my oldest granddaughter just started college. She choose McGill University which is in Montreal. Maybe I'll get there at some point.

Helen said...

Hi Gladys! I've only read one or two of the Louise Penny books, but I really enjoyed what I read. In the TV series, they have Alfred Molina as Gamache. He isn't Canadian, but they needed a "name" for the lead. Many of the other characters are played by Canadian actors though.

Sadly, because of Covid they only made one season of 8 episodes. The stars have gone on to other things. It's a well-made series and I didn't immediately know whodunnit. One mystery takes up about two episodes, but another mystery is also going on throughout the series. It does talk about some of Canada's shameful past with our Indigenous people, but it is done quite respectfully. Definitely worth a look if you can find it. I was surprised when it came to my Japanese channel's VOD!

gn-in-Massachusetts said...

Check out YouTube. I was able to find the movie version of Still Life on it, and also looked at an interview with author Louise Penny which was interesting. Maybe the TV series are on YT as well, but I didn't look for them.

Helen said...

Good idea! I keep forgetting about YouTube. Thanks! I'm especially interested in the interview with Louise Penny.

Thanks so much :-)