September 5, 2023

Tuesday - Cloudy, rainy at times, humid

Today was a bit different, or was it?I can’t even tell anymore.

I woke up before 8 so I could watch the news, but I watched the BBC News and then I went back to sleep. I woke up quite a bit later!

When I got up and got dressed, F and I started thinking about lunch. We decided to go and have lunch at a place we were talking about yesterday. It was a bit of a mistake. We stopped going there because the food was really salty. We asked them to not use too much salt when they cooked our food but…F’s was really salty again. Mine was a little salty, but I didn’t mind it too much. We had some pasta, it came with soup, salad and a drink, and bread too. Honestly, I liked mine and would have it again, but F’s was terrible. I tried his and it was much too salty. 

After our lunch, we made a quick stop at a grocery store, and then we visited a new shop that had just opened. F got tired of walking around so went back to the car, I had a little tour of the shop and then bought myself a file folder.

We decided to go and deposit some of my coins into my post office account, so I did that. Another 50 yen! 

We went and had coffee at Cafe Studio Cinq. We had cream puffs as well that were rather nice. We spent a quiet hour there before we went to the grocery store to pick up a bento or two for K. I asked F what he’d like for dinner and he suggested going out to an Izakaya tonight. I thought it was a cool idea. We got the bentos and then went back to the house.

We relaxed and chilled out for a while and then F decided he wasn’t feeling up to an Izakaya tonight. It was fine really. I hadn’t set my heart on it or anything and he had been having stomach problems all evening. 

F gave K her bento and a little later we decided to go out for our dinner. F suggested the new gyudon restaurant, so we went there. It was fine tonight. I had Yurinchi chicken and I liked it. F had gyudon I think. 

We came back to the house after our meal and just relaxed. I watched an episode of Fringe and then grabbed some of my yogurt and cereal downstairs. Unfortunately, some of the yogurt was missing again. F told me that it fell off the shelf in the fridge again. Sigh. I’m not sure I believe it, but really, why would he lie?

I watched FBI International, it was okay. I don’t mind it too much. After that, I put on music so that I didn’t have to turn off the TV. 

So, that was a brief look at my day. Once again, I’m not sure what I’ll get up to tomorrow. F has a massage scheduled in the morning but I’ll be snoozing most likely. After that, who knows? Come back later if you like and find out what happens. Until tomorrow….


Rosa said...

You must be counting down the days until your Canada trip! Hope they fly by.

Sounds like a little mouse may be pushing your yogurt off the shelf. Time to start buying an extra container for the MIL--I mean, the mouse--to have her own yogurt, poor thing! (Or maybe F is secretly snacking on it for the health benefits? Hmmmm....)

Helen said...

Our fridge is really full at the moment so it is quite possible that the yogurt fell off the top shelf. I have to keep it up there so K won't see it! She has been known to help herself to my stuff but I shouldn't really blame her in this case. .

Don't think F is stealing it! He would be welcome to, if he'd ask first.

I am getting a bit nervous and excited about my trip. I've got a lot of stuff to do and I need to start packing for my visit. F is just around too much, it's hard to do stuff when he's about!

Thanks for visiting!