December 25, 2023

Monday - Rainy and then clear, warmer

Merry Christmas!

I woke up this morning when my alarm went off. It was later than I thought it was. F was long gone to work. I got up, dressed and got on with my day.

I had breakfast and then a bit later got really tired. I took a nap.

I got up a bit later and then grabbed a snow shovel and went outside and moved a bit of snow. It hadn’t snowed much, but a lot of snow was on the ground. It had fallen off the roof. Sadly, there is still a lot up there. 

I grabbed my lunch on the way upstairs and ate. After watching the news in English, I went downstairs to get started on dinner. Over the next couple of hours, I air-fried a chicken, plated some cheese, cut up some veggies, plated some cold meat and opened up some cans of tuna, pâté and oysters. I made a plate of crackers too. I put a tablecloth out on the table and then started to set the table. We had a lot of different foods out there.

The scary knife is for the chicken, promise!

The chicken was finished and it was glorious. The recipe I found online was delicious. Around 7 pm, I went upstairs and asked F if he’d like to come down for dinner. I changed my shirt too so I didn’t have to wear my stained cooking shirt. 

We had a nice dinner. The food was good, the chicken was nice. We drank some sparkling grape juice, which was nice and had no bad effects on us! We did have a couple of oopsies though. K knocked her grape juice into the plate of pâté so I had to go and grab a bowl so we could drain the juice out of the pate! I put my fingernail through the tablecloth, but I'm not too upset about it since it was from the hundred yen shop.

When we finished munching, I cleared the table and put things away. Then, F got out his Christmas cake. I had put the kettle on and I made us all some rooibos tea. We each only had one piece of cake as we were very stuffed!

I wish it was as tasty as it looks.

I did the dishes. There weren’t that many as I used paper plates tonight. I don’t want to spend all my time on Christmas doing dishes. I cleaned up the air fryer too and listened to podcasts. I got a bit of a chuckle at the CBC News one. I think someone got into the eggnog a bit early. When it started there was an ad for another podcast…that’s standard. Then, there was dead air for about a minute and a half. After that, some jazzy music played for a while before we got the Maritime Weather report. It was followed by a woman playing the music of her childhood Christmases! It was pretty odd. 

I got done finally and then went upstairs. I came downstairs almost right away and took my shower. When I finished, I went upstairs again and watched an episode of Fringe. I haven’t watched that for a while. It was good though.

And really, that’s about it. I had a fairly good day today. It wasn’t an exciting Christmas, but it was quite nice. I’ll take that over a bad day, any day!

Come back tomorrow and hear all about my day. I have plans to go out! Until tomorrow….


Rosa said...

Merry Christmas! Sounds like a lovely dinner. That cake does look good, too.

Helen said...

Thank you! Yes, the dinner was nice and I think we all enjoyed it. The cake looks much better than it tasted. I just find Japanese sweets so disappointing. All look and no flavour.

Thanks for visiting and Merry Christmas to you too!!